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长春站> 长春教育> 长春大学> 东北师范大学信息


英文名:Northeast Normal University 简称:“汉:东北师大 英:NENU” 所在地:长春 院校代码:10200 类型:综合类

  • 陶剑详细资料

  性 别男
  职 称教授、博士生导师
  专 业心理测量与教育统计
  邮 箱taoj@nenu.edu.cn
  目前感兴趣的主要研究领域是心理计量与教育统计(Item Response Theory, 项目反应理论)。
  1. 主持国家自然科学基金(面上项目)一项
  2. 主持吉林省自然科学基金一项
  3. 国家自然科学基金重点项目《应用统计方法研究》子课题负责人
  4. 主持教育部人文社会科学基金一项
  5. 主持国家自然科学基金(青年项目)一项
  Ning-Zhong Shi & Jian Tao, Statistical Hypothesis Testing: Theory and Methods, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2008.
  28. Shi-Shun Zhao, Jian Tao*, Ning-Zhong Shi, and Nan Lin. A note on the comparison of the Stein estimator and the James-Stein estimator. Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, accepted. (SCI)
  27. Bao Xu, Jian Tao*, Ning-Zhong Shi, and Hong Jiao. Refining testlet response model by introducing testlet discrimination parameters. Japanese Psychological Research, accepted. (SSCI)
  26. Xiang-Bin Meng, Jian Tao*, and Ning-Zhong Shi. An item response model for Likert-type data that incorporates response time in personality measurements. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2012, DOI: 10.1080/00949655.2012.692368. (SCI)
  25. Shan-Shan Sun, Jian Tao*, Hua-Hua Chang, and Ning-Zhong Shi. Weighted maximum-a-posteriori estimation in tests composed of both dichotomous and polytomous items. Applied Psychological Measurement, 2012, 36(4), 271-290. (SSCI)
  24. Jian Tao, Ning-Zhong Shi, and Hua-Hua Chang. Item-weighted likelihood method for ability estimation in tests composed of both dichotomous and polytomous items. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 2012, 37, 298-315. (SSCI)
  23. Yan-Bin Zhao, Jian Tao*, Ning-Zhong Shi, Ming Zhang, and Jie Sui. The extraction of LRP via functional data analysis techniques. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2012, 206, 94-101. (SCI)
  22. Zhi-Hui Fu, Jian Tao*, Ning-Zhong Shi, Ming Zhang, and Nan Lin. Analyzing longitudinal item response data via the pairwise fitting method. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 2011, 46, 669-690. (SSCI, SCI)
  21. Rui-Yin Liu, Jian Tao*, Ning-Zhong Shi, and Xuming He. Bayesian analysis of the patterns of biological susceptibility via reversible jump MCMC sampling. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2011, 55, 1498-1508. (SCI, EI)
  20. Jian Tao*, Man-Lai Tang, and Ning-Zhong Shi. A stepwise confidence interval procedure based on an asymmetric loss function with applications to toxicological evaluation. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 2010, 52(1), 93-107. (SCI)
  19. Yanbin Zhao, Jian Tao*, and Ning-Zhong Shi. A note on observer design for one-sided Lipschitz nonlinear systems. Systems & Control Letters, 2010, 59, 66-71. (SCI)
  18. Zhi-Hui Fu, Jian Tao*, and Ning-Zhong Shi. Bayesian estimation of the multidimensional graded response model with nonignorable missing data. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2010, 80(11), 1237-1252. (SCI)
  17. Ning-Zhong Shi, Xuming He, and Jian Tao. Understanding statistics and statistics education: a Chinese perspective. Journal of Statistics Education, 2009, Volume 17, Number 3, http://www.amstat.org/publications/jse/v17n3/shi.html
  16. Haiyan Song, Jian Tao, and Ning-Zhong Shi*. S-S method for stochastically ordered multinomial populations with missing data. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2010, 140(3), 684-696. (SCI)
  15. Wei Liu, Jian Tao*, Man-Lai Tang, and Ning-Zhong Shi. Model selection in toxicity studies. Statistica Neerlandica, 2009, 63(4), 418-431. (SSCI, SCI)
  14. Hu Yu, He Xuming, Tao Jian, and Shi Ning-Zhong. Modeling and prediction of children′s growth data via functional principal component analysis. Science in China - Series A, 2009, 52(6), 1342-1350. (SCI)
  13. Zhi-Hui Fu, Jian Tao*, and Ning-Zhong Shi. Bayesian estimation in the multidimensional three-parameter logistic model. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2009, 79(6), 819-835. (SCI)
  12. Sun Shan-shan, and Tao Jian. Weighted likelihood estimation method based on the multidimensional nominal response model, Northeastern Mathematical Journal(《东北数学》英文版), 2008, 24(3), 250-256.
  11. 王雪丽,张忠占,陶剑,史宁中。基于保序回归估计的最大耐受剂量确定方法,应用概率统计,2008, 24(5), 522-530。
  10. Ning-Zhong Shi, Zhi Geng, Jianhua Guo, and Jian Tao. A project of applied statistical methods in China: review and outlook. Statistics and Its Interface, 2008, 1, 197-207. (SCI)
  9. Jian Tao*, Atanu Biswas and Zhi-Dong Bai. A generalized confidence interval for the difference of the means of two normal populations, Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics, 2007, 22(2), 193-205.
  8. Rui-Yin Liu, Jian Tao*, and Ning-Zhong Shi. An optimal phase I/II design utilizing severe toxic and moderate toxic response information separately, WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine, 2006, 3(7), 553-559.
  7. Jian Tao*, Ning-Zhong Shi, and Sik-Yum Lee. Drug risk assessment with determining the number of sub-populations under finite mixture normal models, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2004,46,661-676. (SSCI,A&HCI,SCI,EI)
  6. Jian Tao*, Ning-Zhong Shi, Jianhua Guo, and Wei Gao. Stepwise procedures for the identification of minimum effective dose with unknown variances, Statistics and Probability Letters, 2002, 57, 121-131. (SCI)
  5. Jian Tao*, Jianhua Guo, and Ning-Zhong Shi. Stepwise confidence procedure under unknown variances for toxicological evaluation, Biometrical Journal, 2002, 44(2), 149-160. (SCI)
  4. Wang Xue-Li, Zhang Zhong-Zhan, Tao Jian, and Shi Ning-Zhong. Incorporating toxicity grade information in up-and-down design,Journal of Biomathematics (生物数学学报), 2007, 22 (1), 1-12.
  3.Wang Xueli, Tao Jian, and Shi Ning-Zhong. Stepwise method based on confidence bound and information incorporation for identifying the maximum tolerated dose. Northeastern Mathematics Journal(《东北数学》英文版), 2005, 21(1), 117-126.
  2.Song Haiyan, and Tao Jian. A generalized information criterion for parameters under an umbrella order restriction. Northeastern Mathematics Journal(《东北数学》英文版), 2005, 21(2), 127-130.
  1.Tao Jian*, and Song Haiyan. Finite mixture normal models, with application to dose-response studies, Northeastern Mathematics Journal(《东北数学》英文版), 2002, 18(1), 5-8.
  2008.12 至今  东北师范大学 教授
  2010.3-2010.6 美国伊利诺伊大学教育心理系  访问学者
  2006.1-2006.2 新加坡国立大学统计系  访问学者
  2002.6-2008.12 东北师范大学 副教授
  2002.8—2002.12 香港中文大学统计系   访问学者
  2002.7—2002.8 香港浸会大学深圳研究分院  访问学者
  1999.9—2002.6 吉林大学数学所概率统计专业博士研究生
  1996.6-1999.7 东北师范大学 讲师
  1993.6-1996.7 东北师范大学 助教
  1990.9—1993.7 东北师范大学数学系概率统计专业硕士研究生
  1986.9—1990.7 东北师范大学数学系本科生
  1、美国数学会Mathematical Reviews评论员
  2、Applied Psychological Measurement (APM,2011 Impact Factor: 1.493) 杂志编委(2012 - )
  3、中国数学会概率统计学会 理事
  4、中国数学会均匀设计分会 理事
  5、中国现场统计研究会教育统计与管理专业会 常务理事
  6、吉林省工业与应用数学学会 理事
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